FS Active combines trend data and market analysis with intuition and a deep understanding of global cultures to create multi-sensory forecasts that guide and inspire you through the seasons. Realizing the complexities of the active market, our experts distill trends and cultural cues into sales-driven strategies, product development guidance, and a concise approach for the seasons ahead. Our reports guide you through all stages of production, from initial inspiration and research to conceptualization and development, to marketing, consumer engagement, and fact-based confirmations.

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About FS

Fashion Snoops (FS) is a global trend forecasting agency that helps companies harness future trends. Merging research and IT, the company provides a collaborative trend platform for creatives - a one-stop-shop to explore new trends, create and share new concepts.

Our advisory group is working with global retailers and brands in the fashion, accessories, beauty, and home markets to leverage macro cultural shifts and better their business and products.

Headquartered in NYC, we have clients and contributors in 50 countries around the globe.